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Homeland Security

This page will be used to provide you the latest Homeland Security information pertaining to boating.  Remember, the Coast Guard is part of Homeland Security so what this department does can have an impact on our sport.  The page will be updated by our District Homeland Security Officer, D/HS/O Dana L. Tischer, P

Index to Articles

Subject Date Posted
Introductory Letter 25 Nov 2010

See Something - Say Something Program

25 Nov 2010
Clues or Activities of Suspicious Nature 25 Nov 2010
Small Vessel Security Implementation Plan - Report to the Public 1 Jan 2011
Happy Birhtday America - letter from Dana 4 July 2011
“See-something-say-something” Video 8 August 2011
How to communicate when a disaster strikes 28 September 2011
Homeland Security - Active Shooter Training 1 January 2012
Actions to take for long power outage 1 February 2012


Introductory Letter

Ahoy D-31 Membership! As your, newly assigned, District Homeland Security Officer I wanted to provide you with a little bit of background regarding this assignment, and just what it is.

In 2009 the Affiliate Agreement was signed and USPS became the 27th partner of Citizen Corps, a Branch of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). This agreement represents the largest partnership of USPS with potential to provide the most widespread/significant civic service contribution of our organization.

USPS – we are the "eyes and ears on the water" as a Citizen Corps partner

Citizen Corps is FEMA's grassroots strategy to bring together government and community leaders to involve citizens in all-hazards emergency preparedness and resilience.   Citizen Corps asks you to embrace the personal responsibility to be prepared; to get training in first aid and emergency skills; and to volunteer to support local emergency responders, disaster relief, and community safety.

Looking forward to serving and if you have any questions you can reach me at itshers@cox.net . Watch for future information via Squadron Newsletters, the Daymark and/or the D-31 webpage under the Homeland Security link at: http://www.usps.org/d31/Homelandsecurity%20.htm.

D/HS/O Dana Tischer, P
USPS, District 31
Oklahoma City Sail & Power Squadron

See Something, Say Something

The "If You See Something, Say Something" campaign is a simple and effective program to engage you to identify and report indicators of terrorism, crime and other threats to the proper law enforcement authorities.

As Americans it is important to remember that every individual has a role to play in keeping our country safe and secure. The ‘If You See Something, Say Something' campaign encourages travelers and those who frequent our waterways to identify and report indicators of terrorism, crime and other threats to the proper law enforcement authorities.

Advertisements for the new campaign have been launched in DC-area airports public transit, movie theaters, gas stations and on local radio stations. In the coming months, the Department of Homeland Security will continue to expand the campaign nationally with public education materials and outreach tools designed to engage America's businesses, communities, and citizens to remain vigilant and play an active role in keeping our county safe.

D/HS/O Dana Tischer, P

Types of Initial Clues or Activities That Could Bring Attention to a Terrorist Plot

Initial Clue


Criminally suspicious activity Authorities receive reports of criminal activity or behavior indicating the possibility of a terrorist attack.

(e.g., USPS members see a man next to a waterway with a rifle and call police.)

Authorities receive reports of individuals setting up paramilitary training events.

(e.g., Authorities investigate reports of people regularly firing assault rifles in remote areas along our waterways.)

Authorities receive reports of surveillance behavior.

(e.g., Authorities detain and question people trespassing and photographing dams, bridges and locks.)

Suspicious activity Authorities receive reports of an individual carrying out "violent" or "threatening" rants justifying terrorist attacks and implying the individual would like to participate.

(e.g., Authorities investigate a person who routinely calls for "Jihad" against the U.S. government and who invites USPS members into secret meetings.)

Suspicious activity Authorities discover documents that appear relevant to a terrorist plot.

(e.g., Site surveillance plans, false identification, maps, bridge drawings, or e-mail discussing participation in a plot)

Suspicious activity Authorities investigate suspicious activity associated with smuggling contraband, typically onto a boat or at a point of entry.

(e.g., Authorities board a vessel and investigate a man that seems extremely nervous, repeatedly glancing below into the galley, and is unable to answer simple questions about his destination.)

Every little piece of information adds up to a bigger picture. Suspicious activity needs to be reported immediately to law enforcement. Reported clues could save lives, yours and mine!

Analysis indicates that law enforcement (30%), assisted by the public (29%) is the first line of defense in detecting terrorist plots.. Nevertheless, the importance of the general public and state and local law enforcement in foiling terror plots is clear.

D/HS/O Dana Tischer, P

Happy Birthday America!

I trust each of you enjoyed our Nation’s Birthday, and the opportunity to see friends and family over the 4th of July weekend.   It takes work to preserve our freedoms that we have come to enjoy and sometimes take for granted.  Those freedoms did not come without paying a price, therefore in honor of those who have served and continue to serve – Thank You!

By developing friendships and caring for your families and friends throughout the boating community we continue to grow stronger.  In the coming year you may hear of rapidly changing security environments to include monitoring risks associated with boating and traveling to visit family.  Learn how to mitigate those risks and recognize threats for enjoyable times on the water or on the road.  When something where you might be at any given moment does not look right, report it to the authorities, you could save lives.

I challenge you when opportunities present themselves to make contact with your local Lake Patrol and Coast Guard Auxiliary.  Be proud and introduce yourself as a member of the USPS.  As each Squadron and District continues these partnerships, along with Citizen Corps, FEMA and Homeland Security, our Nations safety and security will be enhanced.  By pairing with the capabilities of our local partners the USPS remains poised to preserve peace for generations to come.


D/HS/O Dana Tischer, P

USPS, District 31

Oklahoma City Sail & Power Squadron

“See-something-say-something” Video The Department of Homeland Security has posted a great video to help you and your family understand and recognize suspicious activity.   

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D/HS/O Dana Tischer, P
USPS, District 31
Oklahoma City Sail & Power Squadron

How to communicate when a disaster strikes


When disaster strikes, you want to be able to communicate. You may need to call 9-1-1 for assistance.  During disasters, networks could be damaged, lose power, or become congested. This fact sheet provides two important sets of tips. The first will help you prepare for a disaster. The second may help you communicate more effectively during and immediately after a disaster.

Before a Disaster: How to Prepare Your Home and Mobile Device

1. Maintain a list of emergency phone numbers in your cell phone and in or near your home phone.
2. Keep charged batteries and car-phone chargers available for back-up power for your cell phone.
3. If you have a traditional landline phone, keep at least one non-cordless phone in your home because it will work even if you lose power.
4. Prepare a family contact sheet. This should include at least one out-of-town contact that may be better able to reach family members in an emergency.
5. Program "In Case of Emergency" (ICE) contacts into your cell phone so emergency personnel can contact those people for you if you are unable to use your phone. Let your ICE contacts know that they are programmed into your phone and inform them of any medical issues or other special needs you may have.
6. If you are evacuated and have call-forwarding on your home phone, forward your home phone number to your cell phone number.
7. If you do not have a cell phone, keep a prepaid phone card to use if needed during or after a disaster.
8. Have a battery-powered radio or television available (with spare batteries).
9. Subscribe to text alert services from local or state governments to receive alerts in the event of a disaster. Parents should sign up for their school district emergency alert system.

During and After a Disaster: How to Reach Friends, Loved Ones & Emergency Services

1. If you have a life-threatening emergency, call 9-1-1. (cannot currently text 9-1-1).

2. For non-emergency communications, use text messaging, e-mail, or social media instead of making calls on your cell phone to avoid tying up voice networks. Services like texts and emails are less likely to experience network congestion. You can also use social media to post your status to let family and friends know you are okay. In addition to Facebook and Twitter, you can use resources such as the American Red Cross's Safe and Well program (www.redcross.org/safeandwell).

3. Keep all phone calls brief; convey only vital information to emergency personnel and/or family.
4. If you are unsuccessful in completing a call using your cell phone, wait ten seconds before redialing to help reduce network congestion.
5. Conserve your cell phone battery by reducing the brightness of your screen, placing your phone in airplane mode, and closing apps you are not using that draw power, unless you need to use the phone.
6. If you lose power, charge your cell phone in your car (may need to buy a car charger). You can also listen to your car radio for important news alerts.
7. Tune into broadcast television and radio for important news alerts.
8. Use hands-free device in your car, or stop driving or pull over to the side of the road before making a call. Do not talk or text on a cell phone, while driving.
9. Immediately following a disaster, do not use mobile device to watch streaming videos, download music or videos, or play video games, all add to network congestion. Limiting use of these services can help potentially life-saving emergency calls get through to 9-1-1.
10. Check www.ready.gov regularly to find other helpful tips for preparing for disasters and other emergencies.

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards. 

D/HS/O Dana Tischer, P
USPS, District 31
Oklahoma City Sail & Power Squadron


  Homeland Security - Active Shooter Training

Recent multiple events including shootings at schools and military bases drove the need to get information out to the public.  Keep in mind threats can occur anywhere: ball games, the mall, anywhere crowds gather.

The Department of Homeland Security has developed an Active Shooter training course available for you to take.  The course is aimed at informing you how to prepare, react and protect yourself in the event you find yourself in a situation where an individual has a gun and is threatening to use it.

The Training takes approximately 45 minutes to complete.  At the end of the course you are asked to enter your SSN and an when you pass the test a certificate is available for printing.  I took the course and found it very informative, hope you and your family find it useful.

Link to training course http://training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/IS/is907.asp

If the above link does not work, copy and paste into your address bar and access accordingly

D/HS/O Dana Tischer, P
USPS, District 31
Oklahoma City Sail & Power Squadron

long power outage

If you've ever experienced a long power outage, you might want to think about this light resource I tried last time we were without power for a few days because of thunderstorms.  

I used my outside solar lights inside my house at night.  I stuck them in a jar or you can use a bottle and they gave off plenty of 'free light'.  I put one in each room at night and then put them back outside in the daytime.  They are safe to use and cheaper than batteries.  You ought to bring in one of your solar lights one night and test it. 

The lights I have fit into the small (20 oz) water bottles and they also fit into most of the larger liter bottles.  If you need to you can level a weight in the bottom of your plastic bottle.  Will help keep them from tipping over, you can also put a few of the pretty colorful "flat marbles" that are used in aquariums, and vases. Or use sand, aquarium gravel, etc., whatever you have available. 

The solar lights I have burnt all night long.  Perfect for power outages, etc. 

This is a good plan as long as you remember to take your solar lights back outside so they can recharge and be ready for you to use again any time you need them. 

D/HS/O Dana Tischer, P
USPS, District 31
Oklahoma City Sail & Power Squadron

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